Run True
(Form Follows Function)

Discover the Hidden Lever to Turbo-Charge Performance and Sidestep Injury.

Join the Run True Community Today

Run True
(Form follows Function)

Discover the Hidden Lever to Turbo-Charge Performance and Sidestep Injury

Join the Run True Community Today

Running is at the essence of who we are as human beings. We
are human because we run. We run because we are human. We weren’t the biggest out there on the Savannah. We didn’t have the sharpest claws or teeth. We weren’t even the fastest. But, we developed the ability to run together in social groups to run down our prey.

So, running and running in groups is at the very essence of our

So, why doesn’t it always feel that way?

Why do so many runners suffer from repeat injuries that stop
them running or stop the enjoyment?

Why doesn’t running always feel free, natural, powerful,
exhilarating? Isn’t that the way it should feel?

I believe it is. I really do. But first we have to get back
to basics. Become human again. Reverse the ill effects of modern life that interfere with our ability to move free. To run true.

You cannot simply change your running form. Minor tweaks to
form or technique can have negative effects elsewhere. The body is one whole integrated unit and needs to act as one. Every muscle, sinew, tendon, joint in the human body is engaged in the act of running.


In the Run True system, we believe that form follows
function. That first we have to develop the movement skills that enable us to move properly. To run properly. Running is the very basis of human movement.
The human system of gait is the blueprint for all human movement. So often, students say to us when they master a movement sequence ‘that’s the same as in golf’ or ‘… in swimming’. Of course it is. All human movement is based on the
gait cycle.

So, Run True teaches strength, mobility and balance drills
that underpin human running gait. Then it adds form on top with weekly ‘practices’ to take away and rehearse until, over the weeks your perfect natural running form is born.

But that’s not all. Run True developed more recently as a
membership model. Membership not only gives access to our flagship Run True 6-week course that does all that we describe above but a new course or content is added every month of your initial 12 month membership. Courses on foot function, increasing pace, heart rate zone training, mindful running,
nutrition, breathing and so much more. A wealth of running knowledge at your disposal.

But we are a community. A community of runners. Runners with
a common goal to run either competitively or for leisure, to run injury free, to run as free and as unencumbered as our ancestors out there on the savannah. So, within the Run True platform is a community for members where you can ask questions, feedback or share experiences.

Join the Run True community and let your running be
underpinned by the best evidence based, scientific knowledge available.


Running is at the essence of who we are as human beings. We
are human because we run. We run because we are human. We weren’t the biggest
out there on the Savannah. We didn’t have the sharpest claws or teeth. We weren’t even the fastest. But, we developed the ability to run together in social groups to run down our prey.

So, running and running in groups is at the very essence of our humanity.

So, why doesn’t it always feel that way?

Why do so many runners suffer from repeat injuries that stop them running or stop the enjoyment?

Why doesn’t running always feel free, natural, powerful,
exhilarating? Isn’t that the way it should feel.

I believe it is. I really do. But first we have to get back
to basics. Become human again. Reverse the ill effects of modern life that
interfere with our ability to move free. To run true.

You cannot simply change your running form. Minor tweaks to form or technique can have negative effects elsewhere. The body is one whole integrated unit and needs to act as one. Every muscle, sinew, tendon, joint in
the human body is engaged in the act of running.


In the Run True system, we believe that form follows
function. That first we have to develop the movement skills that enable us to
move properly. To run properly. Running is the very basis of human movement.
The human system of gait is the blueprint for all human movement. So often
students say to us when they master a movement sequence ‘that’s the same as in golf’ or ‘… in swimming’. Of course it is. All human movement is based on the gait cycle.

So, Run True teaches strength, mobility and balance drills
that underpin human running gait. Then it adds form on top with weekly ‘practices’ to take away and rehearse until, over the weeks your perfect
natural running form is born.

But that’s not all. Run True developed more recently as a
membership model. Membership not only gives access to our flagship Run True 6-week course that does all that we describe above but a new course or content is
added every month of your initial 12 month membership. Courses on foot function, increasing pace, heart rate zone training, mindful running,
nutrition, breathing and so much more. A wealth of running knowledge at your

But we are a community. A community of runners. Runners with a common goal to run either competitively or for leisure, to run injury free,
to run as free and as unencumbered as our ancestors out there on the savannah. So the Run True platform has an online community to ask questions, give feedback and share experiences.

Join the Run True community and let your running be
underpinned by the best evidence based, scientific knowledge available.

Have You Ever Faced Some Of These Common Running Challenges?

  • The Injury Trap: Like many runners, you might have experienced the frustration of injuries - from nagging knee pain to Achilles or hamstring issues. It's a cycle many fall into, often due to improper form or lack of strength and mobility.

  • Hitting the Performance Wall: Have you reached a point where no matter how hard you train, your times aren't improving? This plateau is a common, disheartening experience for many dedicated runners.

  • The Maze of Misinformation: In a sea of online advice and generic training plans, it's easy to feel lost. What's the right technique for you? Are you training effectively, or could there be a better way?

  • Solo Struggles: Running alone can be peaceful, but it can also be isolating. Without a community or support system, staying motivated and accountable becomes a challenge.

  • Balancing Act: Juggling running with life's other commitments isn't easy. Finding time for effective training that fits into your busy schedule can seem like an impossible task.

  • One-Size-Fits-All Frustration: Generic training plans can't cater to your unique style, fitness level, and goals. Access to guidance can make all the difference in your running journey.

  • Nutrition and Recovery Oversights: Often overlooked, nutrition and recovery play a crucial role in your performance and injury prevention. Are you giving your body what it needs to thrive?

Ready To Make Your Runs Feel Effortless and Injury-Free?

Join The Run True Community

  • The Run True Core Program: A 6-week intensive course focusing on key movement skills of strength, mobility, and balance and development of good form. Each week introduces progressively challenging movement drills based on biomechanics, culminating in a transformative running technique.

  • Monthly New Courses and Training Plans: Stay engaged and constantly evolving with our ever-expanding library. Upcoming courses include "The Forgotten Feet" and "Ace your Pace," ensuring there's always something new to learn and apply.

  • Strength and Mobility Workouts: Tailored workouts to keep your training fresh and effective, targeting the specific needs of runners.

  • Specialised Short Courses: Dive deeper into specific topics like "Nutrition for Runners," "Post-Run Recovery," and "Mindfulness and Mental Toughness." Each course is designed to address different aspects of a runner's journey.

  • Expert Interviews and Insights: Gain unique perspectives and tips from running experts and enthusiasts, upcoming interviews with figures like Richard Askwith and Adharanand Finn.

  • Community Engagement and Support: Join our exclusive Run True community to ask questions, share experiences and the chance to connect with fellow member runners nationwide

  • Injury Prevention and Management: Specialised content focusing on common running injuries, their prevention, and management, including courses on Achilles injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, and ITB Syndrome.

  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Our online platform makes it easy to access content on your schedule, whether at home or on the go.

Get Access Today For Free. Then just $10 a month after your free trial

Cancel from within your member's area at any time, No lock-in contacts or minimum terms

The Run True Coaching Program And Community Is For You If...
  • You run more than 2 times a week (or would like to start)

  • You’re TIRED of dealing with running injuries

  • You want a better way to become a faster & injury-proofed runner

  • You want to recover faster

  • You are a beginner, intermediate or an elite runner and want to progress to the next level

  • You want to feel enjoyment when you run instead of feeling heavy, tired and sore

We've Helped Hundreds of Students Just Like YOU Improve Their Running Form & Increase Their Enjoyment While Running

Meet Your Coach


Nigel Crompton: Pioneering Running Coach & Biomechanics Expert

Transforming Running Through Innovation and Expertise.

Nigel Crompton’s journey in the world of running spans decades, marked by personal challenges, groundbreaking discoveries, and a deep commitment to helping runners achieve their best. A lifelong runner and a seasoned coach with UK Athletics, Nigel’s passion for running is matched only by his dedication to the science behind it.

A Runner’s Challenge: From Injury to Insight

Nigel’s personal experience with a debilitating sports hernia set him on a path of exploration and healing. Frustrated by traditional treatments that failed to address the root cause of his pain, he embarked on a journey that led to a revolutionary understanding of running biomechanics. This quest not only restored his ability to run but also inspired his critically acclaimed book, “My Border Collie Doesn’t Stretch,” challenging conventional wisdom on stretching for runners.

Expertise That Stands Out

Nigel’s expertise is backed by rigorous training and certifications. As a Corrective Exercise Specialist with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, he specializes in identifying and correcting movement deficits. His deep dive into Anatomy in Motion (AiM) under Gary Ward further honed his skills, focusing on the intricate relationship between foot function and joint movement during the gait cycle. This expertise has been acknowledged in Richard Askwith’s book, “A Race Against Time,” showcasing Nigel’s unique approach to treating runners’ injuries.

Run True System: A Biomechanics-Based Revolution

At the heart of Nigel’s approach is the Run True System, a culmination of his years of study, practice, and teaching. This comprehensive 6-week course, accessible for 12 months, is designed to prevent injuries and rehabilitate runners’ bodies, ensuring optimal functionality. It’s a system developed from the ground up, based on human gait biomechanics and influenced by renowned methodologies like Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais.

A Coach Who Runs the Extra Mile

Nigel’s impact extends beyond his courses. Having conducted thousands of running gait analyses since April 2016, from elite to beginner runners, he brings a wealth of practical experience to his coaching.

His strength lies in marrying his academic knowledge with real-life running experiences, continually refining his methods to offer the most effective training.

Here's What Our Students Think

Mandy Woods - Runner for over 20 years

Mandy entered her first Marathon at the age of 45 but got injured.

Mandy decided to do the RunTrue course to try and resolve the injury because she was registered to run in the New York Marathon in 2022.

“I was blown away, on my first week of the course during my first run I felt so much better!”

Luke Sherrell - AMN Academy

“It is one of the most comprehensive programs I’ve ever seen. It covers everything from corrective exercise, to strength, movement, and mobility. It covers it from a biomechanical point of view and a neurological point of view, and you’re looking at everything from a really functional perspective…

I have absolutely no reservations about giving it my full stamp of approval. This is a great course, and I urge you to jump in and check it out for yourself.”

Louise Amirthalingam

“The Run True course is a fantastic course for runners of all abilities. I completed the course almost 18 months ago and I can honestly say what I learned on the course has transformed my running. My strength and mobility have improved markedly and so far I have been injury free. Whether you’re a sprinter or a longer distance endurance runner, this is the course for you.”

Matt Rose

“For most of my earlier running life, I was constantly battling the same injuries. Since doing the Run True course, I’ve been able to run far more efficiently with significantly less of niggles and injuries.”

Alice Bidston

Alice is an office worker with a desk job and since doing the Run True course she’s noticed improvements in her balance and coordination

Rita Mistry

Rita decided to do the Run True community because as she reached her 50’s she found herself getting injured more often.

Since joining she’s getting faster and has been consistently getting new personal bests, and has improved endurance

Here's What You Get When You Join The Run True Community Today

  • The Run True Core Program: A 6-week intensive course focusing on key movement skills of strength, mobility, and balance. Each week introduces progressively challenging drills based on biomechanics, culminating in a transformative running form.

  • Monthly New Courses and Training Plans: Stay engaged and constantly evolving with our ever-expanding library. Upcoming courses include "The Forgotten Feet" and "Ace your Pace," ensuring there's always something new to learn and apply.

  • Strength and Mobility Workouts: Tailored workouts to keep your training fresh and effective, targeting the specific needs of runners.

  • Specialised Short Courses: Dive deeper into specific topics like "Nutrition for Runners," "Post-Run Recovery," and "Mindfulness and Mental Toughness." Each course is designed to address different aspects of a runner's journey.

  • Expert Interviews and Insights: Gain unique perspectives and tips from running experts and enthusiasts, including interviews with experts in their running field.

  • Community Engagement and Support: Join our exclusive Run True community filled with fun and engaging challenges, competitions, and the chance to connect with fellow members nationwide

  • Injury Prevention and Management: Specialised content focusing on common running injuries, their prevention, and management, including courses on Achilles injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, and ITB Syndrome.

  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Our online platform makes it easy to access content on your schedule, whether at home or on the go.

Get Access Today For Free. Then just $10 a month after your free trial

Cancel from within your member's area at any time, No lock-in contacts or minimum terms

What Sets The Run True, Virtual Running Club Apart Is The Expert Coaching And Education Available To Our Community.​

Here's a list of just some of the coaching and learning programmes our members can expect in 2024

  • The Forgotten Feet

  • Ace Your Pace

  • Dealing With Runner's Knee

  • Nutrition For Runners

  • Spinal Engine Theory

  • Interview with Richard Askwith

  • Race Strategy and Planning

  • Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis

Plus dozens more in the works!


Is the Run True program suitable for beginners or only for experienced runners?

Absolutely suitable for all levels! Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned runner, our program is designed to cater to diverse needs and fitness levels. The foundational skills we teach are beneficial for everyone.

How much time do I need to commit to the program each week?

We understand your time is valuable. Our core 6-week program requires just about an hour per week, which you can break down into smaller, manageable sessions. It’s designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Can I still benefit from the community if I currently have a running injury?

Definitely! Our program emphasises injury prevention and management. It’s an excellent way to rehabilitate and strengthen your body post-injury, reducing the risk of future issues.

What if I find the program isn't right for me after joining?

We're confident in the value of our program, but we understand everybody has different circumstances. If you find that the membership isn't for you, you can easily cancel and manage your membership yourself at any time.

Do I need any special equipment for the training?

No special equipment is required. Most of our exercises can be done with just your body weight and common household items. We focus on accessibility and simplicity

How does the online community work? Do I have to be active on social media?

Not at all. Our community and educational content is all run via our custom built member's platform. You do not need any social media profiles to access any of the information or the community in general. 

Are the training materials accessible indefinitely?

As a member, you'll have access to all training materials for the duration of your subscription, including any updates or new content added during that time.

Will there be personalised feedback or interaction with coaches?

Yes, our platform offers opportunities for personalised feedback and interaction with our coaching team, ensuring you get the guidance and support you need.

Get Access Today For Free.
Then just $10 a month after your free trial

Cancel from within your member's area at any time, No lock-in contacts or minimum terms

Copyright ©️ 2024 Run True LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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